Club Membership is made up of Corvette enthusiasts throughout
the state of Utah. You must own a Corvette to join the club, but you don't have to own
one to enjoy the web site.
The club was started with the idea to promote the love of Corvettes throughout Utah. The
enthusiasm of the original eight members made the club what it is today. There's nothing
like driving a "Vette". It is a one of a kind experience. To own a Corvette is the dream
of many, to own one is a reality which can be reached. If you can't quite justify the
expense of owning a new or previously owned Corvette, then keep in touch with us. Our
enthusiasm will carry you until you do.
Joining is easy; fill out the printable form and mail with your yearly dues or you can fill in the
on-line form and pay with a credit card using Paypal. You will be contacted by our Membership Chairman
and asked to submit a short biography of you and your significant other, (if applicable) telling a little
bit about yourselves and your interest in Corvettes. If you use the on-line form, use the comment block
for this. Your application and bio will then be presented to the club officers for consideration. This
process will usually take about a week. After we receive your membership dues and officer concurrence
additional information will be sent to you. |
New Members Only: |
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Yearly dues are $40 due in January of each year. |
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There is an additional $35 first year initiation fee for name badges and window decal. |
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If you join from July 1 to December 31, membership dues are $55, $20 for ½ year dues + $35 first year initiation fee = $55 total. |
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Send a check or money order for $75 (first full year) or $55 (July 1 - December 31) made out to "Corvette Club of Utah" or you can pay using PayPal using the link below. |